Although white onions are not as commonly utilized in cooking as their counterparts, they boast remarkable health benefits. Recognized for their subtle yet distinctive flavor, these onions can be enjoyed both in cooked and raw dishes.

According to Dr. Rachna Agarwal, a nutritionist, white onions offer significant advantages for the body. With anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, they hold a esteemed position in Ayurveda. Renowned chef Sanjeev Kapoor also highlighted their benefits on Instagram, emphasizing their effectiveness against sunstroke and sunburn, along with additional advantages such as body cooling, fiber richness, immune system enhancement, heart health promotion, antibacterial properties, and antioxidant abundance.


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Dr. Agarwal expanded on these benefits, emphasizing that white onions can aid in treating infections, particularly in the eyes, nose, and ears due to their antibiotic properties. Additionally, she noted their ability to balance acidity, counteracting the acidic nature of certain foods. The alkaline nature of white onions proves beneficial in this regard. Furthermore, their anti-inflammatory and antibiotic attributes contribute to the treatment of respiratory diseases, with a recommended white onion juice and honey mixture serving as an effective cough syrup in Ayurveda. This concoction can be refrigerated for up to five hours and applied to the chest for respiratory ailment relief.

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Beyond health benefits, white onions also play a role in promoting hair growth, as their juice can be applied to the scalp. Dr. Agarwal differentiates white onions from red onions, stating that white onions are more antibiotic and anti-inflammatory in nature and less pungent than their red counterparts.